Thursday, February 28, 2008

Google SITES!

Google sites!. Of course you need admin access to a domain (like to run google apps on - to use it - video tour here.

Example pages: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 10MB file upload limit, 10GB storage - You can insert videos, docs, spreadsheets, presentations, photo slide shows, and calendars directly onto your Google Sites pages. Permission settings let you designate owners, viewers and collaborators (meaning they can edit pages) for your site. And you can make your Google Sites available to just a few people, your entire organization, or the world. VIA: Techcrunch

UPDATE: (still in BETA) The idea behind Kluster is that a group of passionate people working together can come up with better solutions for any decision-making problem than a single person. Whether that is planning an event, designing a new logo, or creating a new product, Kluster believes their system can work. The project you create is not private (may be a BETA change). Signup HERE. VIA: ReadWriteWeb

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